New essay in Routledge Companion to Experimental Literature

I’m very pleased to have an essay of mine included in a great-looking new collection, The Routledge Companion to Experimental Writing, edited by Joe Bray, Alison Gibbons, and Brian McHale (Routledge 2012).

It’s a big book, filled with great stuff, including chapters by Charles Bernstein, R.M. Berry, Brian McHale, N. Katherine Hayles, Tyrus Miller, Ben Lee, Amy Elias.  My piece is “Found Poetry, ‘Uncreative Writing,’ and the Art of Appropriation,” and it discusses the history of appropriation, sampling, borrowing, and other such practices in literature and the arts, before turning to contemporary developments like the Conceptual poetry of Kenneth Goldsmith and the movement known as Flarf.

New essay on Wallace Stevens and Francis Ponge

My essay on Wallace Stevens and Francis Ponge, “‘The Rhapsody of Things as They Are’: Stevens, Francis Ponge, and the Impossible Everyday,” has just been published in The Wallace Stevens Journal 36.1 (Spring 2012). It’s part of an exciting special issue devoted to “Stevens and the Everyday,” which features essays by Siobhan Phillips, Charles Altieri, and others.

My essay grows out of the work I’m doing for my next book, Attention Equals Life:The Pursuit of the Everyday in Contemporary Poetry and Culture.